The establishment of the College of Architecture and Planning at King Khalid University was approved since the year 1444 AH. The idea of creating this college came as a response to the increasing need for architects and planners from the region to contribute to the development and renaissance of the area, especially as the region is on the brink of significant developmental progress. This is in light of the vast and diverse cultural, urban, and heritage legacy that requires highlighting and preservation in a manner befitting the rich history of the region and its esteemed residents, aiming to become a tourist investment attraction for the region.
In line with the principle of contributing to driving development and the national economy, and in alignment with the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Education that target educational quality, focus has been placed on utilizing educational outputs in the development process to achieve alignment and harmony between outputs, development programs, and labor market needs. Graduates are thus equipped with the knowledge, professional, artistic, engineering, cultural, and managerial skills necessary to build their capacities and qualify them with the skills required by the job market, enabling them to strive towards achieving their future goals and aspirations. This is achieved through a focus on architectural design education (ceremonies/architectural design studios) supported by a range of courses in architecture, planning, technology, computer applications in architecture and planning, architectural history, architectural theories, and urban heritage in the Kingdom, particularly in Asir, taught by a distinguished group of faculty members specialized in these fields.
One of the goals that this college seeks to achieve is to provide distinguished, creative, and academically stimulating education that encourages creative work, both academically and in research, based on international educational quality standards. The curricula of the College are designed to simulate the curricula of distinguished architecture and planning colleges at local and international universities as a starting point for this college, aiming for the college to be a unique local and regional center in the field of educating and preparing qualified architects for the job market from the first day after their graduation. The college also aims to activate scientific research and link it to tangible reality through field research, postgraduate studies, communication with local, regional, and international educational organizations and institutions, exchange of experiences, and transfer and localization of modern technologies.
In conclusion, we offer praise, thanks, and gratitude to God Almighty for the success in inaugurating the College of Architecture and Planning. Our heartfelt thanks are extended to the University Director and the Dean of the College of Engineering for their generous support of this college. I also express my deepest gratitude to the colleagues, faculty members, lecturers, and teaching assistants at the college for their active contribution to the establishment of this college. To all of them, we express our thanks and appreciation, and we ask Allah, the Most High, the Almighty, to make their efforts count towards their good deeds.
And with Allah is the highest success.
An advance and specialize College of Architecture and Planning that contribute to sustainable development and built enviromment locally and internationally.
Providing high quality and accredited educational programs in the fields of architecture and planning to prepare students to be active contributors across the nation. The college also provides services and support in specialized applied research, advisory services that enhancing national and international community, cooperation and partnership with high quality standards by using the latest educational, administrative and technical methods.
Commitment - Leadership - Innovation - Transparency - Complementarity - Loyalty - Achievement
- Conducting partenerships and international institutes to enhance teaching, research, and accreditations.
- Providing advance accredited academic programs according to the highest standards.
- Enhancing the students competencies.
- Motivating community services and applied research projects to contributor in local and national developments.
- Enhancing the administrative, technical and institute performance.
- Encouraging the local, national, and international partnership that support the college mission.