about the college

Dean's Message




Dean's Message





Vision - Mission - Value - Objectives


College of Architecture and Planning is a qualitative faculty in specialized education in architecture and planning, supporting sustainable development locally and internationally.



Providing quality and accredited educational programs in the areas of architecture and planning for the development of qualified national competencies, and providing applied and advisory research services that advance the local community, according to the comprehensive quality standards using the latest educational, administrative and technical methods and enhancing cooperation and national and international community partnership.


Commitment - Leadership - Innovation - Transparency - Complementarity - Loyalty - Achievement



  • Providing qualitative academic programs according to the standards of quality and academic accreditation.
  • Raising the merit and competitiveness of students.
  • Activate and strengthen community services and applied scientific research to meet local and national development requirements.
  • Raising the level of managerial, technical and institutional information performance.
  • Strengthen cooperation and partnership with local, national and international institutions.
  • Complete, develop and maintain infrastructure.
  • Increase the efficiency, satisfaction and retention of human resources.
Organizational Chart