Unit Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Doaa Abouelmagd
Urban Design
Academic Rank:
Office No.:
Mailing Address:
Central Post POB: 1362, Postal Code: 61431 Abha, Saudi Arabia
Unit Members
- Dr. Ahmed Saleh
- Dr. Mougib El Rahman Abo Amer
- Arch. Farahat Nyaz
- Arch. Ghassan El Serihy
Mission and Objectives
To continuously develop the college practices, following the national and international quality standards.
- Spreading the culture of quality and introducing it through all available means: training courses, workshops, and seminars
- Follow up on everything new about academic development and quality and what is issued by the National Authority for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation, the University Vice Presidency for Academic Development and Quality, and the Deanship of Development and Quality, and circulate it to academic departments.
- Review self-study reports for college programs
- Review college program reports
- Making the required benchmark comparisons for programs in coordination with the departments
- Preparing an executive plan to accredit academic programs at the college
- Prepare an executive plan for the training needs of male and female faculty members in the college and take the necessary measures to ensure its implementation with regard to quality work
- Evaluating all quality processes by studying and analyzing the results of measuring performance indicators
Forms – Guides – Publications